Of men and mountains...

Woke to a gray, miserable looking sky. It stayed that way all day. Put in time on a couple of stories, then dove across town, into Manitou, for lunch at Adam’s Mountain Café, where I had a Santa Fe omelet and coffee. Quiet doings all around. Holiday weekend coming up and the parking lot at the office has already been cordoned off and stacked with a soldierly gray line of porta-potties.

Cracked The Virginian as my new long read of the moment. Haven’t read it before, but know I’ll enjoy it. The Wyoming setting, anyway. The opening pages with their references to the southeastern part of the state, already have me thinking about the Bighorns. Been avoiding the western slope of Colorado the past few years—bark beetle damage to the forests was too down-heartening to look at—but may give it a shot this summer just to see Medicine Bow again.