Comings and goings...

Lot of running back and forth today, but all good. Gym early, home for morning coffee, out the door to the office, then home again to finish up a few projects at home. New gigs on the horizon. One web video, two web sites, and new radio spot. Can't wait to jump in. Meanwhile, some excellent revisions on one of the new stories. Haven't delved into the SF piece yet--may give myself some room before taking that on--but have enough in the hopper to stay busy for some time. 

Sunny most of the day, but still cool. Got in a short walk mid-day, but was forced to shut it down before I wanted. No worries. Tomorrow's another day.

Read an unusual piece in the New Yorker today. A story (translation), "Aspic." Seemed different for the NYer, but maybe I'm just imagining things. Anyway, nice piece. Quiet, but with a brutal imagery.

Cold coming on? We'll see. Man, I hate colds. They seem so avoidable, and yet I can't avoid them. Downing vitamin C like its candy. Choking down the zinc, too, but with deep regret. Fingers crossed I can dodge the bullet just a little longer. Especially with the new jobs rolling in.