
On the road for a couple of days. Trip south. Quiet drive home listening to Joan Didion's Year of Magical Thinking. Back to work this morning, putting in revisions on a new coming-of-age story. Think it's gonna be a nice piece if I can get the end right. 

Note from Boston University morning before I left. A complimentary rejection of "Occurrence at the Night Owl Liquor Store." Said writing was quite nice, but "stereotypical" in its characterization of three crackhead gunman. The acronym AAVE was used. Didn't know what it meant. (Sigh.) Just a guess, but I bet they don't teach Huck Finn, either.

Changes coming. Big and small. Just want to keep my eyes on the horizon and fingers on the keyboard. Tired of stupid people. Need to spend a little more time with my friends, the fish. Though not this weekend. More snow predicted. Lots of it.