Mixing it up...

Five days since my last post. How is that? 

Mom left this morning after a nice visit. Looked good, as always. Managed some nice dinners (clams and linguini last night, an Asian pork dish the night before), high tea at Glen Eyrie, a couple of jaunts to Lowe's, an afternoon at Theatreworks to see Pride and Prejudice,  and a lot of conversation. 

Haven't been getting much writing done, but didn't expect it either. Will try and hit the ground running tomorrow.

Weather's shaped up again. Well into the seventies today. Clouds drifted in come late afternoon, but as a welcome sight. New grass, new flowers will enjoy the rain. Looking at a week of it, if you believe the weather people.

Macron wins the election in France.

Many business doings tomorrow. V.O.s Script conference for TA Ranch in Buffalo. Be nice to see things hit stride.