Chores and more...

Overcast and muggy early morning. Went off to the cottage to re-read the last draft of "Love Triangle." Pretty happy with what I have.  Quit while ahead and set to planting the last of the roses in the front flower bed. Cut and edged my lawn(s), swept the walks, then took a short break to buy a new hose at Lowes. Came back and teak oiled the settee and firewood caddy in the back yard. Thought I was gonna get away clean, but found myself host to couple of little visitors and am just now heading off to the showers.

Glad to have the yardvwork in order. Who knows, I may get to loaf around the house one of these days, enjoying my handiwork.

Mom comes again next Friday, on her way up to Wyoming. Just an overnight, but looking forward to catching up again.

Days have been speeding by, and I need to find a way to drag my feet and slow them down. I like being busy--it keeps my mind from running riot--but I'd like to settle in and just enjoy a day or two doing nothing.

Skies cleared up late this afternoon. Quite pleasant at the moment. Humidity's gone and there's a light breeze blowing in.