Angler of Repose...

Up early, out the door to Lake George, Elevenmile Canyon. Drizzled most of the day, and must have rained like hell before that because the river was high and roiled and swollen. Still, no complaints. Had a good day getting away from everything, finding time to reflect, do nothing. Wild flowers were beautiful from all the wet. Plants and trees too. I don't believe I've ever seen the willows up there as thick and lush as they are right now. Came across a few deer. A couple of snakes, too. (I imagine they were trying to dry out.) Been a lot of bear sightings this year, so kept my ears perked while hiking through the underbrush, but it turned out to be an unnecessary precaution. Aside from a handful of anglers, didn't run into anyone (or anything) besides campers and rock climbers. Rained big on the way down the mountain and all the way into town. Glad to get home without crashing. Tired, but in a good way.