Catching up with myself...

Sloughed off yesterday's post without realizing it. Back in the saddle today. 

Young J spent the night, had his first marshmallow roast. Temps were close to ninety, but we sweated it out in front of the back patio fireplace and browned up half a dozen each before calling it quits.

Up early this morning, and off to Ihop for pancakes. By the time I saw the keyboard most of the good energy was gone, but lost in a nice way. Got some decent revisions in place and a few new mailings sent off just the same.

Hit the gym early afternoon. Didn't have a lot in the tank, but put in a good hour's work on the bike. Home after that and, for the first time in a long time, a nap. Man, that was nice. 

Getting some rain tonight. Not a lot, but a good slow, steady drizzle. Temps are supposed to drop tomorrow. Have to wait and see. Wonder what's doing up on the mountain? Heavy smoke from a couple of fires converged today and sat over the town and it still looks gray out there. Need a good breeze to come along.