Rain. No dance necessary...

Big, lashing rain tonight. Came down hard starting around 5:00. Flash flood warnings and all.

Was up early after the first sound night’s sleep in a week. Muddled along at the keyboard until I came within an inch of finishing the reader draft of the new story, then set it aside for coffee, a little recording time on the long piece, and after that some pruning.

Drove up to Woodland Park and down highway 67 to scout Lake Manitou for places to put in the canoe the day we take Mom up on a picnic lunch (Friday). Had a nice drive, and stopped for Starbucks on the way down the mountain.

Did some grocery shopping on the way home, thinking to grill teriyaki chicken tonight. Given the rain, looks like it’ll be grilled cheese and soup instead. No matter. It’s all good.

Working through the rest.

Will be for some time.