Here we are...

Another crummy night’s sleep. Got up around 6:30, but didn’t do much other than pound down a couple of cups of coffee before my doc appointment.

Guess this infection was as bad as it seemed. Told me next stop is emergency room if I don’t get things under control. Anyway, got some new meds to clear things up, and a nebulizer for backup. Took a nap this afternoon with the baby, and felt a little better when I woke. Tried playing a little ball with Jackie late in the day, but still had a difficult time finding my breath. Gonna have to wait this one out, I guess.

Burned a couple of reader copies of the ms. today, and passed one off to Robin. Guess I’ll have to stop calling it the “long piece” now that it’s officially in circulation. Glad to have it out of my hands for a while. On to outline, synopsis, query, etc.

Too much to think about at the moment. Gotta start looking ahead. Taking advantage of the time in front.

More later. Hoping for a good night’s sleep.