Getting by...

So, here we are.

Managed to get started on the new life without grandkids and, with the exception of a few fits and starts, made it to the end of the day.

Up early, as always. Put in some time on a query letter and synopsis, then ran off to the tire store to see about warranty issues with the less-than-year old BF Goodrich blowout. After, lit out for the gym.

Still feeling wrung out, but have been there before and know how to wait it out. The bronchial infection’s still sitting hard on my lungs, so that can’t be helping either.

Got home and cut the lawns (I’m up to three, now, with Caitlin and Drew’s) then kicked back with a nice long shower.

Some new commercial work coming in. Happy for that. Gonna rest and take it easy tonight. Try and have a good day tomorrow.