September 11, Seventeen years later...

Full day. Up early and at the keyboard a little after six. Revisions started out slowly, but picked up after the first cup of coffee. Young M arrived a little before eight, which put the brakes to the writing, but we had a good day together, and I managed a quick trip to the gym while he was down for his nap.

Surprise visit from Vern the bricklayer. He and his crew showed up mid-morning and started in on the south wall. They’ll finish tomorrow and hang the Wyoming door, and that should put an end to the big outside projects forever. (I’m knocking wood as I write this.)

About six pages from the end of the long work, and hope to reach it sometime tomorrow. Been keeping notes along the way and, with the exception of noodling on the last ten or fifteen pages, may have played things as far as I’m able. Still needs polishing, but the story is what it is and there’re no substantive changes I can think of that are going to make it any stronger. Revisions I made on the early end seem to have held up. That’s a good sign. Now if I can make the back end to the same.

Hope to get to sleep early and get a head start. Coming at it fresh always helps. Be nice if we have another day as beautiful as this one.