Turning the corner on a new week...

Full day. Up at 5:30, making a mad run to the end of the long piece. The structure is finally, solidly, in place, and the revisions from here should be small and manageable. Whether there’s any worth to what’s been done as a whole remains to be seen. Another reprieve is probably in order before heading down that path. Anyway, it’s on to green woods and pastures new for a while.

Got in another nice day at the gym. The new routine is energizing. Came home afterward and made another trip to Sportsman’s Warehouse for a set of adult life preservers. Then a separate trip to Memorial Park to pick up a season boating license. Maiden voyage is scheduled for Friday, destination Quail Lake. After that, who knows?

The Wells book continues to fascinate. It’s quite a tome, and I’m a long, long way from finished, but haven’t any great hurry and am enjoying the read. Also finished a re-read of McCarthy’s Child of God. What a book. Funny, but the sheriff (Fate) and his deputy are almost a prototype of EdTom and his deputy in No Country.

Feels good to be back in the swing. Young M tomorrow, so we’ll see if the momentum lasts. Wanna get back to the short I was working on, and maybe draft a new one before the week’s out. We’ll see how the time plays out, the weather being strange and all.