A little of this, a little of that...

Got it going early again. Two productive hours before the little guy arrived.

Feeling better and better about the long piece. Or hell, maybe I’m just getting lazy, I don’t know. Either way, it’s rolling to completion and that’s a merciful thing. Want to start moving on to other things.

Managed a quick but productive trip to the gym mid afternoon, then home again to round up the boys and kill the rest of the day.

Gonna launch the new canoe tomorrow morning, and if the day’s half as nice as this one was we should have a successful maiden voyage. I’m tempted to take my fishing gear along and see if I can’t bring home dinner. We’ll see how much ambition I have after loading the boat and the rest of the gear.

K coming for dinner tomorrow night. Bringing steaks! If the weather holds, maybe we’ll have our first backyard fire of the season.