Still kicking...

Up early researching a new story. Or stories. We’ll see what comes. Finished the reader draft of the new short piece yesterday. Working title: X.

Recorded more of the long piece after coffee, coming within fifty pages of the end. Been instructive, for sure, to take it through the process. Eager to get it behind me and begin shaping the outline and synopsis. Get it into the hands of a couple of people I trust.

Put away the keyboard around eleven and went back to work on the garage. Took a trip to the hardware store to pick up chain, got the canoe hung and stowed a little while later. Storage system seems to work pretty well. Good to see the garage and shed begin to look ordered again. Next up, shelving. Like to see everything in order before the weekend, though that may be a bit ambitious with Mom and the boys around.

Days have been something of a blur. Guessing it’s going to be that way a while. Look forward to seeing Mattie tomorrow. Won’t have many more times alone with him before long and want to savor them.

Good day at the gym.

Good day all around, considering.