Take these stripes from off my shoulders...

7:30 already. Don’t know where the day went.

Little Mattie was sweet today, but crabby. I wonder if he isn’t coming down with something. Hope not. Gramma Bobbie comes tomorrow, and we’ve got a trip to the North Pole planned for Thursday. Last shot she’ll have at seeing them for a long time—maybe ever.

Got some good revisions in this morning. Didn’t have a long time to write, but made the most of what was there. Came up with a new short, too. In my head, anyway.

Days ahead will be tangled, but maybe that's a good thing. Sure had a nice time with Jackie this afternoon. I’m gonna miss that kid. Him and his little brother both. Will have to wait for things to flatten before knowing what the next move is, but I’m okay with that. It’s the not-knowing that’s driving me nuts.

Strange day, all in all.

Strange day.

Need to get my head together, read and critique the new N stories that’ve come in.