Plodding along...

Up a little after 5:15 this morning. Had to wear a jacket out to the cottage. Went to work hard on the last six pages, saw them multiply, but found the end of the story anyway. Been putting in a lot of time on this piece, and while I know it gets better with each pass, still don't have a solid feel for the effectiveness of the entire arc. Need some time away, I guess. Make another run, and hope I don't get snagged on any one element too long and lose the pacing.

Rained last night, rained this afternoon. Sky still looks brown, but I guess this is the norm for a while. At least things are cooling off. That's something.

Eric back at it today, installing the new electric storage rack. Man, it's a bear. Big progress from yesterday, but still another half day or more from being functional. If he finishes before the weekend, who knows? Might have a whole new secondary project on our hands. 


Long Tuesday...

Up early. Got a few revisions in at the keyboard, then entertained the little guy most of the afternoon. Took a brief wagon ride around the neighborhood, but not much going on. 

Weather uglied up by mid-day with an enchanting combination of mist and smoke. Can't even see the mountains anymore. Getting a nice rain now, though, who knows what tomorrow will bring.

No gym today. Too busy. Have to remedy that tomorrow.

Have no idea what went on in the world today, but understand there was some big political news. Indictments and verdicts and whatnot. The usual, right?

Eric the reluctant came by, too. Started work on the storage rack in the garage. Was pissing and moaning about the directions that came with the unit. All pics, no words. Felt his pain, but that's the way it is anymore. 

Both excited and anxious about the long piece. Six pages from the end, and not sure where it goes from here. Something tells me I won't know for sure until the next read through. But before that happens I've got a couple of short stories I want to work on.

Felt like fall this morning. Had to wear a jacket out to the cottage. Was okay. Looking forward to snow now, or whatever, to put out the fires.

Something old, something new...

Yeah. No surprises.

First thing the new dentist says, is how about a new crown. Because, you know, the old one's old. Wasn't exactly a come to Jesus after that, but there was a brief discussion about not fixing what ain't broke, and that, without insurance some of us were more reluctant than others to dive into elective medicine.

As my son's Bolivian godfather used to say, "Carajo."

Worked hard on what look to be the final fourteen pages of the long piece. Got as far as possible, then hung up my spurs.

Ironworks guys called and asked us to come out and look at the new hinges. We did, and the stuff looked spectacular. Can't wait to get it done and hung.

Young M tomorrow. Seems like a long time since I've seen him.



There's no retirement for the wicked...

That chirp from the keyboard? Fixed. All it took was a good hard crack against the desk. 

Good day at the keyboard. Got lots of work in. Hit the gym mid-afternoon and worked out the bike for a change. Wasn't as good as skipping rope, but what is? Mowed the lawn(s) when I got home. Shoveled up apples into the bargain.

Cool most of the day. Some nice breezes rolled through. Skies were as blue as they've been for a spell. God, I hate to wish summer goodbye, but I'm tired of the hot and smoke and the mosquitoes and all the rest. I'm already envisioning a fall filled with fishing trips and weekends in the mountains.

Not sure what tomorrow brings beside a teeth cleaning with my new dentist. Will have to wait and see how that goes. Thirty-some years with Dr. Dan, the rock 'n roll dentist, and now it's a new guy. Can't hardly believe it.



Weird. Could swear there's a metallic sort of chirp coming from the keyboard. Sort of like glassware rattling in the back of the car. Been there all day, and it's starting to drive me nuts.

Quit work after an early start this morning and went to a movie. Spike Lee. 

Gonna get back at it tomorrow and see if I can't come close to finishing my latest pass at the long piece.

Shoulder's been aching for days. Not sure if it means I should work out harder or lay off for a while. Guess I'll find out when I hit the gym tomorrrow.

But then, there's this...

Up and at it early. Surprised to find that much of what I'd written yesterday--and subsequently written off as crap--turned out to be a reasonably decent attempt at a story. Lesson learned. Again. Be hard on yourself, but always look forward. Even when you're looking back.

Drained today. Overcast skies didn't do much to inspire a sunny mood. Had a lot on the mind. That didn't help either.

Big rains came this afternoon. Some hail as well. Grass is finally beginning to look good, consistently. Now if we could just get enough moisture to knock down the fires so we could see the sky again.

Oh, and a rejection slip found its way into my queue this morning from a big pub that'll remain unnamed. One year, four months in the making. Seriously? SERIOUSLY? Good Christ this is a *&%#!2-ed up business.

A bit of Fresh air...

Okay. So, clearly it's the spinning of the earth and not me. Woke this morning and went downstairs thinking it was five, but discovered shortly thereafter it was four. Maybe the smoke from the fires is playing with the dark.

Anyway, time's all out of kilter.

Young J showed up a little before eight in his fishing vest. What a sight! Headed up to Green Mountain Falls after stowing our gear and had a great day on the water. The trout were quiet, but the kid hauled in a small carp, so the day wasn't lost. He threw it back, we moved on, and things went swimmingly for the rest of the afternoon. We fished, played pirate, ate ice cream, fell in the water. All in all, a pretty fine day. Pretty fine, indeed.


Nice evening...

It's what, Monday? Where the hell did the weekend go?

Crawled out early this morning and realized the mornings are already darker than they were last week. Did some good work on the long ms., then moved on to other, less exciting things. Took the party stuff back to Bruno's, cleaned up the back yard, and went to work on a short critique. Same old, same old, except for the Bruno's stuff. 

Made a brief stop at the gym, then went off running errands. Gonna take young J fishing tomorrow. Looking forward to that.

Eureka! Was patting down my fly vest for my fishing license, and was stunned to find my previously lost prescription sunglasses! Goddamn. That was the best luck I've had in a long, long time. Made my day. Which seems unfairly abridged now that I'm looking back at it.

Back to work for a while. Enjoying the quiet.

Wait a minute, It's Saturday?

Schedule's all throw off and can't figure out why. Circadian-clock problems, I guess. Been more tired than usual while doing half the work than usual.

Anyway, up by six-thirty and at the keyboard. Struggled early on, then hit stride and made pretty good headway on the long piece. At least I think I did. Quit early afternoon to go out shopping in advance of young M's second birthday, whose party takes place here, tomorrow at 11:00 am. Nine guests, which is seven more than we're accustomed to, but we'll pull it off. At least I think we will.

Feels like I haven't seen J in a coon's age. Look forward to maybe taking him fishing next week. Yeah. I'd like that. I'll start crossing my fingers now the weather holds.

Cut the lawns this evening. Not much else to do but get clean, wind down and call it a night.

There I go...

Up early, but stalled out fast on the revision work I was hoping to accomplish. Took a second shot a little later on and made some headway. Meanwhile, cleaned up the N drama from yesterday and put my queue to rest.

Hit the gym mid afternoon. Afterward, loaded the back gate in the truck and ferried it out to Ancona to have it fitted with custom hinges. Was told to look for a three week turnaround.

Did a little grocery shopping, and ready to put the day in the rearview. Start fresh tomorrow.


Just trying to keep up...

Wow. Crazy week, and here it is almost over. Mom left for Albuquerque this morning. But not before young M. arrived. Wild day. 

Yesterday, my dad's birthday. Would've been 92. Lifted a scotch in the Broadmoor Bar to toast him, then came home and grilled steaks. Had a fire out on the patio and stayed up too late drinking wine. It happens, right?

Other things to celebrate: an acceptance from Whisky Island for "Dancing with the Devil."

Didn't get any writing done today, but did get some new hardware on the back door after the old set went south last night. Also put three N stories to rest.  Back at it tomorrow.

Jumping back in...

Thought I was being lazy getting out of bed when I did, but when I got downstairs and saw it was only 5:45, I felt a little better.

A lot of client stuff today, but got in a reasonable amount of work anyway. Rain drifted in early on, and some hail, too, but the trees and flowers managed to survive. Got a late start to the gym, but it was good to be back working out. Felt some of the juice return.

Mom coming in tomorrow for a two night stay. Young M's birthday this weekend. Gonna be a busy week.

Dad's birthday Wednesday. Would've been 92. 

Homeward bound...

Back from the Bighorns. Not the best time I've ever had on the mountain, but that was as much on me as anything. Just couldn't settle in. Overcast a good portion of the time, rainy, poor air quality owing to the big fires in California. Still, managed to get some good work in until the gas for the generator ran out.

Saw some pretty night skies and enjoyed the quiet. Nothing like it anywhere else I've ever been. Heard one plane the whole time. Otherwise nothing but squirrels and birds and the occasional deer. Saw a lot of pronghorn while I was up there. Spotted a handful of rock chucks, too, one of which raced me on the road to the middle fork. Came on four game hens as I was leaving.

Hoped maybe my dad would pay me a visit, but there didn't seem to be any spirits up there this summer. At least none interested in talking to me.

Spent an hour and a half driving cow trails to fish the Powder on Wednesday, and was got up in my vest and waders before I realized I'd left my rod at the cabin. Wasn't about to turn around, so I cut  a willow switch with my hatchet, dressed it out with a flyline and leader and spent the afternoon roughing it. Caught a small rainbow from a dead drift, so the day wasn't completely lost. Still, a willow switch isn't a flyrod. Was reminded of that early and often.


Busting loose...

Off to the Bighorns tomorrow. Gear's accounted for, ready to be stowed. Jeep's gassed up and ready to roll.

Meant to drop by the library and pick up a few audio books but missed my window. Probably won't be the last thing I forget before pulling out.

Looking forward to seeing the mountain again. 

Said goodbye to the boys a little while ago. Will say goodbye to Colorado in the morning.

Signing off for a while.

Making plans...

Got a good night's sleep, but woke hard and never really got started. Even so, managed a few good revisions before young M was delivered.

Got away for a workout after 1:00, then home again to look after small stuff. 

Muggy most of the day. And yet, better than smoke. 

Gathering up my gear for the trip north. A lot to remember. Hope the weather that meets me is kind. Not ready for one of those crazy, gumbo-inspired drives up the mountain.

In the interim, gonna try and relax. Not think so much. 

Edging closer to the weekend...


Day was mostly sunny and breezy, but we caught another thunderstorm this evening and it's cooled everything off and damned near brought the lawn back to life. Been waiting all summer for the monsoons. Hope they're here to stay.

Put in some good work at the keyboard today. Came to the end of the current batch of revisions and look to change gears tomorrow and work on a piece of short fiction. Got a story in progress that needs and end. Think I may have found it. Meanwhile, gathering up the reading/writing material I intend to take with me to Wyoming. Might stop by the library before I go and pick up an e-book or two too.

Young J back for a bit of late afternoon convalescence. He's on the mend and much better than yesterday. Had a nice time looking after him. Dropped his brother off for school this morning, and figure to see him again tomorrow. Bright and early.

Felt fallish today after the rain moved in. Don't want to wish the summer away, but the cool felt nice. Looking forward to a good sleep tonight.

I don't need no doctor...

Long day, late entry.

Wrote early, cleaning up what I wrote yesterday. Young J over with a fever. Sent him off with his father early afternoon, then headed out to the gym and the barber. Picked up M. later in the afternoon and kept him for dinner.

No strep. That was the good news.

Tomorrow's schedule another mishmash. We'll see what the day brings. 

Late showers tonight. A long, light misting rain.

Taking off for the Bighorns on Sunday, weather and whatever else permitting. Looking forward to seeing the mountain again. Having some time to reflect.

Discretion being the better part of valor...

Checking in a little earlier than usual. Big storm coming in, tornado warnings and all. Shut down the laptop for safety and finishing up out here in the cottage.

Up early--was it the weather, or has it begun to get dark earlier?--with a hatchet and pruning shears, trying to get the back end of this long ms in order. Thought I had a pretty good notion of how the last thirty pages would go, but spent the better part of the morning cutting and pasting. Need to slow the narrative. Relax and get a little more expansive with the themes. Ease into the closing chapter.

Looking out the window at lightning. Might think about shutting down here before I fry a board.